About Clean Plate Recipes

A library of personal recipe books.

My Goal

I was sick of ad filled, long scrolling recipe blogs that never get to the point. I couldn't find an online recipe site that felt like using my personal recipe notebook. So I decided to create one.

This is designed to be a place where you can build your personal recipe book. You can use it to store your recipes, create shopping lists, and easily flip back and forth between recipes while cooking.

But it's not just for you. You can also share your recipes with others. I want to create an experience similar to sitting at a table with your personal recipe book amongts friends who have their personal recipe book open in front of them.

Cooking together

Release Notes

Finally FINALLY got this up and hosted live on the correct URL, so I am calling this officially verison 1.0. We are starting very basically with the ability to add recipes, view recipes, and edit recipes. This includes adding an image if you choose to a recipe, although there is a known issue with the hosting that I am planning on fixing with S3 hosting.

Coming in the next release: Adding Notes/Comments to recipes.

1/6/2025 --Grant

Added the ability to leave notes on a recipe. You must be logged in to leave a note, and the note tracks and displays who wrote it. The recipe creator can delete any note where the note creator can only delete thier own notes. The notes are shown in an accordion layout that defaults to collapsed for compactness. This may change in the future to either show all expanded by default or only show the most recent note, or the first note, or the last note made by the recipe creator.

Coming in the next release: Adding a shopping list feature so you can add ingredients from a recipe into your cart.

1/7/2025 --Grant

After spending some real time brainstorming and making a coherent product roadmap, I have decided to push the shopping list features to a later release. This new Version allows for uses to add reviews to recipes ranging from "would not cook again" through "would cook again" (basially 1-3) as well as how long it took them to cook it. Going to add some more visualizing of these things to the little cards in the future. Probably. Maybe. I don't make the product roadmap.

Coming in the next release: Defaulting to a better view of "my recipe" with crosstabs to sort/filter your recipes and other useful views.

1/8/2025 --Grant

Big changes starting to happen on the My Recipes page. This is now the default view that you are sent to when you are logged ingredient.ingredient_amount The design is for an indexed view of your recipes with the ability to sort and filter them. This is the first step in a larger plan to make the My Recipes page funcion like a powered up version of your personal recipe book.

Coming in the next release: Multiple "browser" like tabs on the myrecipes page to show you "starred recipes" and "recently cooked recipes"

1/9/2025 --Grant

You can now edit and add categories to your recipes when creating and editing. For now it is a predefined list of meal types and cuisines, but I plan to make this a user defined list in the future.

Coming in the next release: Starred Recipes and some ui tweaks to show some of the details I have added recently like cook time

1/11/2025 --Grant

Big update!! You can now save or star recipes when you are viewing them. They have 2 different functions. If you save a recipe it will show up in your table of conents as a line item in a permanent section of "saved recipes". This is like adding them to your own recipe book. If you star a recipe, it will show up in the starred recipe tab of the my recipes page. This is like adding them to your "cooking" list. They will show up here in full and you can easily scroll between your starred recipes. This is so that if you are cooking multiple recipes at once, you can keep them all in view on the same page without having to flip back and forth between anything.

Coming in the next release: Shopping List

1/14/2025 --Grant

Another big update. You can now choose how you would like to submit your recipe. You can still type it all in manually as before but now you can also paste in a recipe from another source and let the AI do the work of parsing it out for you. This should make it much easier to build out your personal recipe book and move from searching for a recipe to using VPR seamlessly.

I am calling it version 2.0 to reflect how proud I am of this stuff, no other reason.

Coming in the next release: Shopping List

1/21/2025 --Grant

What looks like a minor change was actually sort of major. You can now select multiple mealtypes or cuisines for you recipes and they will all be displayed and recipes will show up in all of their various tabulate places on the table of contents. For example if a recipes is both a lunch and a dinner and it is italian, under both the lunch and dinner tabs there will be a tab for italian that will both have the recipe in it.

I also added a cooking mode toggle to the navbar to stop your screen from turning off from inactivity.

Coming in the next release: Adding a mealtype or cuisine yourself instead of me doing it from the backend,.

1/24/2025 --Grant

You can now add a dish type or cuisine to your recipe that is not in the predefined list. This will add it to the list for everyone to use.

There were also some tweaks to the edit page to make the form work better on mobile without the inputs and delete button stacking improperly.

Coming in the next release: url parsing for recipe submission from another website

2/9/2025 --Grant

Rebrand! It is now Clean Plate (cleanplate.io)! New logo and branding to better reflect the goal usage.

You can now also submit a recipe from a URL. Paste in a URL and CleanPlate will scrape it for you with the firecrawl api and parse out the recipe details.

Coming in the next release: shopping cart.

2/24/2025 --Grant

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